
paris 101: by day

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the last in the series, this is another big mix of things I saw by daylight:

beautiful side streets
cute kids with umbrellas
san michel
(small) market
incredible cheese
the outside of the Louvre
outside of the Orsay
Degas, Monet, Van Gogh, Serat
chocolate shoppes and the fancy chocolate I bought
Place de le Concorde (spelling?)
Arc de Triumphe
the Eiffel tower and the Pont Neuf

again, I heard all of these names and didn't see much spelling of them so they may be way off!

It was an incredible trip... now for my exams then farming in Italy!

au revoir!

music by Carla Bruni

ps thanks to Margaux, I noticed I spelled 'de jour' incorrectly... many apologies!


Anonymous said...

hi there !!
Nice videos, you got me convinced I should start using this function on my camera. Your french spelling is fine, except for "Paris DE Jour" in you first video. Great music as well, hail to Rufus Wainwright.
bises !!

Anonymous said...

Mmm.. octopus...

I thought photography/filming wasn't allowed in the Louvre...? Stick it to the man.

I'm loving the videos so far... now I don't feel so bad that I'll be skipping straight past western Europe this summer!

Anonymous said...

rustedgate.blogspot.com; You saved my day again.