


click here to download

when was the last time you saw me in make-up? it's definitely a rare occurrence. but I felt for my last saturday night in Dublin, I should play dress-up a bit. perhaps it paid off... I was offered a drink for the first time ever tonight... I was also attacked about US foreign policy... the power of make-up.

rare occurrences... going out and make-up. the rarity makes it interesting.

music by tom waits time is 2:20


Devin said...

Your videos are artistic. I think this is one thing people should exploit in the video technologies. I feel as if so many aren't. Thank you, however, for doing so.

Devin said...

Almost forgot:


Ashley Hodson said...

this was great! a favorite for sure!

Anthony said...


Verdi said...

Beautiful video! I just posted it on Freevlog.

Anonymous said...

Hi Joanna. I just linked to your page from Freevlog. I just watched "Getting Closer" and "made up". I love the way you have done these. I was going to say it makes it feel so honestly about you. But I think it wasn't the way you presented it. You were actually managing to get across a part of your inner self. Surely what Vlogging is all about. Loved this Thanks.

Anthony said...

You are on Freevlog. Yeah! Good choice of video to post. I hope lots of folks come to see your vids and get to know you a bit.

Keep up the great vlogging.

Anonymous said...

Magnifique, merci beaucoup.

Hier soir j'ai découvert Angel Heart12 en VO et ce matin Angel Heart13. Je ne pensais pas avoir la chance de trouver encore mieux, et je suis tombé sur "made up" !!

Les rares blogs que j'ai lu, j'ai toujours voulu tout lire avant de commencer a "poster". Cette fois je crois que je vais me laisser le temps de découvrir ...

Je suis sur Paris et ce serait un honeur que de t'inviter.

may I translate it for U ?

Anonymous said...

it was great?

Tom Warner said...

You have renewed my interest in video. Love your art.

Anonymous said...


Imagesmith said...

Now that was alright. I liked the music, & the b&w was a good choice & your page site is nice also. I am just starting to dabble with video but my site is just the boring still photo.

Carl Weaver said...

I loved this. Very intimate and the B&W graininess was incredible!